Sunday, May 8, 2011

My First I.E.P. :))

STUDENT NAME: Sample Student Date: May 3, 2011


[ ] CASA [X]Special Class [A] [B] [C] [PSTP]

[ ] Full Mainstreaming [] Resource Class [A] [B]

Regular School

Level Placement:

Grade 6

Performance Area: Behavioral / Social Skills

· Present Level of Performance (PLOP Can do’s)

- Talks properly and politely to classmates and teachers.

- Respect teachers and classmates.

- Participate in classroom activities.

- Demonstrate appropriate social behaviors in variety settings: schools, community etc.

· The following goals will be targeted for this first semester



Talks properly and politely to classmates, teachers, staff and school administrators.

-Within 7 out of 10 trials

-With 50% focus

-With minimal promptings

Respect classmates, teachers, staff and school administrators.

-Within 7 out of 10 trials

-With 50% focus

-With minimal promptings

Participate in classroom activities.

-Within 7 out of 10 trials

-With 50% focus

-With minimal promptings

Demonstrate appropriate social behaviours in a variety settings: school, community etc.

-Within 7 out of 10 trials

-With 50% focus

-With minimal promptings

Performance Area: Language and Communication

· Present Level of Performance (PLOP Can do’s)

- Attend to tasks given such as answering seat works and going to big school.

- Recall details such as important events, locations, places and persons.

- Recall daily activities in Sped class and in big school.

- Answer teacher’s questions directly and accurately.

· The following goals will be targeted for this first semester.



- Attend to tasks given such as answering seat works and going to big school.

-With 60% of the time during Sped class and regular class

-With minimal cues given

-Recall details such as important events, locations, places and persons.

-With 7 out of 10 trials during activities

-With 50% focus

-with minimal cues given

-Recall daily activities in Sped Class and in big school.

-With 7 out of 10 trials during activities

-With 50% focus

-with minimal cues given

-Answer teacher’s questions directly and accurately.

-With 7 out of 10 trials during activities

-With 50% focus

-with minimal cues given

Performance Area: Fine Motors Skills

· Present Level of Performance (PLOP Can do’s)

- Art Making: Assemble wood craft

- Pour substance from the container to another without spilling.

- Continue folding paper/ clothes properly

· The following goals will be targeted for this second semester.



Identifies the different kinds of lines

-with 6 out of 10 trials during activities

Continue folding clothes properly

-with 6 out of 10 trials during activities

Art work: Do the color disk

-Produce a good and presentable product

-With 60% focus on the activity

-Moderate to minimal assistance

Performance Area: Gross Motor Skills

· Present Level of Performance (PLOP Can do’s)

- Execute the following games correctly duting P.E. class and gross motor activities: Hide and Seek, Patintero, Jumping Rope, Hula Hoop and Relay Games.

- Do simple loco motor movements such as crawling, walking, running and jumping

- Do simple movements such as standing, bending, squatting, leg swinging, and upper body twist

· The following goals will be targeted for this first semester.



Execute the following games correctly during P.E. class and gross motor activities: Passing the ball and throwing the ball.

-With minimal verbal prompt.

-With modelling of the action

-With 60% focus on the activity

-With 50% tolerance to physical contact

Do bouncing a ball

-With minimal verbal prompt.

-With modelling of the action

-With 60% focus on the activity

-With 50% tolerance to physical contact

Do kicking the of the ball

-With minimal verbal prompt.

-With modelling of the action

-With 60% focus on the activity

-With 50% tolerance to physical contact

Performance Area: Selp Help Skills

· Present Level of Performance (PLOP Can do’s)

- Choosing clothes to buy/ washing and ironing clothes

- Sweeping and mopping the floor

- Wiping the shelves and cleaning the furniture

- Cleaning the kitchen area

- Table Setting

- Achieve table manners

· The following goals will be targeted for this first semester.



Passes the food to another with assistance

-With demonstration of the action

-With 60% focus on the activity

-Moderate to minimal prompting

Pours liquid without spillage

-With demonstration of the action

-With 60% focus on the activity

-Moderate to minimal prompting

Unbutton one’s garment correctly and independently

-With demonstration of the action

-With 60% focus on the activity

-Moderate to minimal prompting

Button garments correctly and independently

-With demonstration of the action

-With 60% focus on the activity

-Moderate to minimal prompting

Performance Area: Independent Skills

· Present Level of Performance (PLOP Can do’s)

- Continue handling money during buying activity

- Safe keeping or proper handling of personal things

- Identify basic cooking utensils

· The following goals will be targeted for this first semester.



-Continue handling money during buying activity

-With 70% focus on the task


-Safe keeping or proper handling of personal things

-With 70% focus on the task

-With minimal cues given

-Demonstrating the proper eating habits and table manner independently

-With 60% focus on the task

-With minimal cues given

Performance Area: Pre Vocational Skills

· Present Level of Performance (PLOP Can do’s)

(Just included in Domains Activities)

· The following goals will be targeted for this first semester.



-Clean room/ house using non electrical tools systematically

-With demonstration of the action

-With 50% focus on the activity

-Moderate to minimal prompting

-Sweeping, waxing and polishing several rooms

-With demonstration of the action

-With 50% focus on the activity

-Moderate to minimal prompting-With demonstration of the action

-With 50% focus on the activity

-Moderate to minimal prompting

-Scrubbing floors with soap and using floor maps

-With demonstration of the action

-With 50% focus on the activity

-Moderate to minimal prompting

-Drying floors with clean rags

-With demonstration of the action

-With 50% focus on the activity

-Moderate to minimal prompting

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